You will not believe in what this so-called minister is saying? This woke identity, self affirming and misrepresentation of the true gospel being inflated with the sense of self -importance through worship.

Worship is about Almighty God and for Him alone through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus. This individual has lost his ever loving mind to think that God worship us.

I will like for you to listen closely to the use of having a form of godliness, but denying and sometimes refusing to admit the truth of Jesus Christ. Worshipping Satan is Evidence. Listen as he calls God by the gender pronoun of “she.”

Jermell Witherspoon expresses the false doctrine of worship. This video may look like a church, but it is not! It may sound like the gospel, but it is not! He is just smug with a beautiful voice, who doesn’t no the real truth of God’s worship. This is a Modern Satanist who worship or venerate the Devil with the love for music.

Watch this:

Link to original Video on Common Good Church

In the description of the posted video: “What if corporate worship is more than simply singing songs to God, but a mutual exchange of adoration and honor, between us, the Divine and one another?”

Can you believe this stated to be true by what you have heard from Mr. Witherspoon? He gave an true fact for worship, but his explanation is far removed from God himself. Do you understand this was a bait and switch move? You can NEVER morph yourself into a god through worship. Instead of God inhabiting our praises through invitation (our worship)only, we think that our fleshly form of worship is somehow worthy of it all.

This person needs the Lord of glory, right away! Pray for His soul to come to the full knowledge of Almighty God. If this video is not recognized as False Worship, He will never stop trying to change the Lord’s truths into lies? Lord Jesus, please let him have a Damascus experience.

Let read Hebrews 6:4-6 in the Easy to Read Version of the Bible for clarity:

After people have left the way of Christ, can you make them change their lives again? I am talking about people who once learned the truth, received God’s gift, and shared in the Holy Spirit. They were blessed to hear God’s good message and see the great power of his new world. But then they left it all behind, and it is not possible to make them change again. That’s because those who leave Christ are nailing him to the cross again, shaming him before everyone.”

Anyone who said that they once was a “Christian” or still have a form of godliness, are like dogs. They went back instead of advancing, just like the dog licking it own vomit for nourishment.

You may have learnt all the trappings of theology and been baptized, but you have not be enlightened. This total apostasy from the faith remains in the heart of many today as they embrace other forms of Christianity and Trans-Humanism.

God help us. Christ Jesus is the only way. There are too many rebelling and rejecting Christ our Lord. The Great Falling is happening now in our time. They are voluntarily and consciously abandoning their faith in God’s Covenant.

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