Why follow the world and their standards for life? If you do, you will truly die spiritually, without hope in this world, and surely be a slave to sin. This article isn’t an expression for condemnation, but a warning to change your thoughts and habits.

As Believers in Christ Jesus, we are NOT to follow the principles or standards of the secular worldview. Music is here to stay, and is only a stimulus to natural feelings felt. However, music is not without your individual worship. Who will your serve? Will it be Almighty God or the Devil? You are without excuse in knowing this act of worship. We all worship – the question is – who do you worship most? You really need to think about it.

You cannot afford to follow the “Jones’” and the crew, or follow the false leaders of worship. You need to uphold the commands of God. This was your vow confessed to Him remember. If you have forgotten it, let’s read Romans 10:9, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”

Every saved believer must take control of their actions. Never let down your Christian standards just to hold the interest of people who want to go to hell. Do you recall this scripture in Colossians 1:13? “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:”

You are a professed follower of God’s dear Son, so why are you listening to secular music anyway? Why follow the forward generation (Deuteronomy 32:20)? What you hear is what you become according to Romans 10:17. It is impossible for you to worship two gods. You must love one or the other. You need to hate one or the other. All Carnal Christians are trying to hustle about in both camps, only deceiving themselves as vomit in the mouth of God.

Please stop. You cannot mock God. What a man or woman sows that is what you will reap. Listening to music will never save you. Only your genuine confession will, and your walk in the spirit. You cannot walk in the ways of this world and live. You only become a fool. This is why you may need to listen to music. To cover your heart because it lacks godly wisdom: for its treasure is empty.

Open your mouth and be set free. Your voice is what God is looking for in your praises. Individual worship is genuine worship. I’m not talking about congregational worship – That is another story for another time. If you haven’t gotten the point by now, God is inhabiting the praises of His people. Those who will respectably worship with the the fruit of their lips continually (Hebrews 13:15).

Now, let me tell you what I’m NOT saying for those who cannot discern:

  • Music can never help those who need emotional support.
  • Music does help the new born babes in Christ.
  • Music does have a purpose for every ear.

Music is only found in the world showing the art of sound or tones giving the listening ear pleasure. The Book of Revelation is the only written source and insight to heavenly worship. As you read, there is only new songs sung as music. Instruments are only sounds of instructional awareness (a means of alert).

The Bible is clear about music. Jubal is the Father of Music (Genesis 4:21), NOT Lucifer (The Devil, Satan, The Anointed Cherub). Many people were taught from Ezekiel 28 that Lucifer created music because of these two words, “tabrets and pipes.” Tabrets from that verse were misinformed because it is the only word translated for “setting” (timbrel) and not a tambourine we have today.

Pipes from the same verse are talking about sockets. The workman or jeweler mounted the precious gems from gold since created. We can not go from precious metals to music. What?! And by the way, Jesus the Messiah created Music, according to John 1:3, “All things were made by him [The Word of God, Jesus Christ]; and without him was not anything made that was made.”

NO MUSIC Genre saved anyone. Only the Holy Spirit of the Living God prompts you to confess Jesus as Lord or worship God. However, we are not out of the equation if we are in Christ, we are to discern and “test the spirits to see whether they are from God” (1 John 4:1). Many have a bad habit of just believing what they heard instead of what was taught by the Spirit of God (not traditions of men).

Ask the Father God he will help you if you honestly want to know about music and worship. It is always better to read the whole chapter on a topic and not remember a verse of scripture out of context. As we continue to grow into maturity in Christ, we must get understanding before speaking about it.

There are too many so-called Christians drawing True Christians away from the True Faith. The number one thing to learn for ALL True Christians is NOT to conform to this world and call evil good.

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